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Self Introduction: Formal Letter

Dear Professor Brad

My name is Nur Farhanah. I am writing this letter to introduce myself to you. I graduated from Nanyang Polytechnic in 2021, where I studied Electrical Engineering with Eco-Design. Currently, I am a student at Singapore Institute of Technology pursuing a degree in Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Building Services). Truthfully, I did not expect myself to continue studying as I am still unsure of what I want to do for my future.

There are a lot of different types of communication skills. I believe that friendliness is one of my strengths in communication. Where honesty and kindness can help foster trust and understanding. A friendly tone can also encourage people to communicate with us. However, lack of confidence is my weakness in communication. I get nervous when I need to stand in front of the class and present. That affects my communication as I tend to blank out and not present fluently during the presentation. After which, I regret not being able to present as I have planned beforehand.

There are two goals that I hope I achieve after the Effective Communication module. Firstly, improving my public speaking skills. Improving that can help me present fluently and not blank out during the presentation will help me in pointing my point across. Secondly, improving my writing skills. As writing skills are still important even after graduating, we may need to write reports or emails for our future career.

That is all for my self-introduction letter. I look forward to the upcoming lessons. Thank you.

Best regards

Nur Farhanah


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Farhanah,

    Thank you for this self-introduction letter. The purpose, strength, weakness and goals were well-written. For your weakness, I can see that you are worried of public speaking especially when giving a presentation, but don't be afraid because everyone feels the same and it is normal.

    Hopefully, we can work on our weaknesses throughout this module.


  3. Dear Farhanah,

    Thank you for your self-introduction letter. It helped me to know you better. We did not talk a lot in class, but I can feel the friendly tone when we were talking. I think that was wonderful.

    I look forward to work with you in class.

    Best Regards,

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I like your honesty here, Farhanah. I'll give more detailed comments once your blogging buddies have done so.

  6. Hi Farhanah

    Thank you for sharing your self-introduction. I was shocked to read that you are still unsure of your future. I hope you will be able to find an answer soon.

    You did most of the questions in the task. However, I was hoping to read about your unique trait. Hence, I will be looking forward to knowing more about you this year and find what makes you unique. For your strength and weakness, you did a good job explaining. But I hope you can elaborate more based on your experience.

    Next, do correct me if I am wrong. But I find that this sentence can be improved -
    "Improving that can help me present fluently and not blank out during the presentation will help me in pointing my point across."

    Overall, your letter is clear and well written. I wish you the best in this module.



  7. Dear Farhanah,

    Thank you for this clear and concise letter. You introduce some of the basics about yourself. One area that you mention is your lack of certainty about your chosen path. I'd like to know what was it that brought you to SIT in the first place. What might might you have done if you had not come? Whatever the case, how are you settling into your studies so far? Various people and highights in life seem to have a way of helping us find our way. I hope the best for you and your future.

    You also mention a strength in communication, your friendliness. You're certainly right in stating that "honesty and kindness can help foster trust and understanding." Giving an example of your own honesty and kindness would enhance this assertion.

    You also do an admirable job explaining your comm skills perceived weakness, not being an articulate enough speaker (which ultimately ties in with your module goals). I'd like to suggest that you just try to speak up more in our future sessions. Getting out of one's comfort zone to embrace opportunities is often a good first step in the road to being a more confident speaker.

    In terms of language use, there are also a few points to take note of:

    1. overuse of capitalization
    -- Electrical Engineering with Eco-Design / a degree in Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Building Services / the Effective Communication module

    2. sentence fragment
    -- Where honesty and kindness can help foster trust and understanding. > ?
    -- After which, I regret not being able to present as I have planned beforehand. > ?
    -- Firstly, improving my public speaking skills. > ?
    -- Secondly, improving my writing skills

    Please see,cannot%20stand%20on%20its%20own.

    I look forward to hearing more from you this term.




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